
Friday, September 20, 2019

The Three flies

The three flies
Once upon a time there were three hungry fly. Flie one said “ Something smells good”.
“Mmmm let’s go and follow the smell’’ repiled flie 2. They all went and follow the smell of trash full of leftovers. Flie three said “oooo looks at these”. “ let’s eat it!” repiled flie one. They all gathered together and ate all the leftover. Someone came to put the food in the green bin they all fly away to wait till they put it in the bin.

All the flies fly away away near a pond they were sitting on a branch. Flie 3 was terrified he couldn’t say a word from his mouth because he saw a big, green, google eyes frog!
File1 and file2 were planning to get more food and fly 3 was scared because the frog was staring at him. The file 1 looked at file 3 and they all scream and try to run away because they frog was gonna eat them.

They all fly speedy like a lamborghini. The frog stick it mouth all the way to flie 2 the frog got it in his mouth the two flie *gasp* Flie 1 was looking at the frog as soon flie 2 got eaten then he crash to a white, sticky spider web he tried to get out but he wasn’t strong enough but there was one big black, eight legs spider coming along and ate the spider away! Flie 3 fly high like a griffon valture but his wings got weak so he went all the way down and and there was a grasshopper who came and ate flie 3 straight away!

And that a story of the three flies!

Koru games

On the next three days we went to koru games and I played Netball. First we drove all the way to lincoln  and when we were driving we put on some loud music and it was funny! When we got there we sang loud as we could to the touch team and basketball team and it was funny! We got out the van and we walk over to the netball court to have a ceremony it was pretty boring because all I wanted to do is play our game! Finally the ceremony have finish we all went to our area and put our bag somewhere we  ran over to the netball court and did training. At 10;30 we had our first game and we verse otago east and we lost! So on a Tuesday we lost three games:(

On Wednesday we had to come to school at 8;15 because our game start at 9:30 on the way to Netball me and Nabraska bought our speakers to listen to song and it was cool! because we were singing and dancing. When we got there it was really cold but we had to do training before our game start we verse a team that I don't know what the school name. But we lost 2 games and won one game from Rolleston and we were all happy when it happen:)

The last day we had to come to school early again because our game start at 9:30. When we got there we did some training and our game start and we verse parkveiw and we lost. After that me and Nabraska went to her friend Stella to watch the rugby people then we had to walk all the way back for our next game and we verse lemon wood and we smash them! We were so happy when we beat them! Then we went with Stella to watch Rugby with her cousin Cayla and we did some tik tok and that a app we you can lip-sync and dance and we also took some photos and stuff then we had to go back and had out final games with Rolleston again! and unfortunately we lost and it was sad because that was our last game.

After we too some photo and then we went to Mc Donald and we had a Frozen drink and Manaaki and Jaime had a wonderful wedding:) Then we drove all the way back to school:)