
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Paper dart

How to make a Paper dart!

  1. Get a quarter of a paper.
Image result for quarter of a paper
2. Fold corner to the edge.
Image result for fold corner edge
3. Fold left to right.
4. Turn it sideways.
5. Fold the left side in half.
6. Roll the dart to the right.
7. Tuck the tail in.
8. Finalize it fold in half.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fun writing!

A&P Show
New Years Eve
Thunderous roar
In a classroom
A minute later
Diamond necklace
The gate creaked open

So Nogo had a sheet and it had the main character, place, when, object, actionis it and what happen.
So you put down A-E across and down below you put any numbers from 1-10 so I put down 1, 4, 8, 9, and 7.
Once it was done Nogo matched the columns and numbers ike if you put down 1 you put sponge-bob if you put down 2 you write down Patrick. Then you write a story about it on the first line so I had to write about Sponge-bob, A&P Show, new years eve, skateboard and Thunderous roar . We had 2min to write a paragraph about it. So this is what I wrote.

On New years eve Sponge-bob took his skateboard and skate all the way to the A&P show.
Sponge-bob was having fun at the A&P show then he heard something and their were people yelling and running all around the A&P show.
It was an Thunderous roar and everyone ran to their car and got suck in traffic.

So that how it works and we did it again and this is another writing that I did.

A minute later everyone were doing their work in the classroom.
Then the gate creaked open outside it was a pirate! Looking for his bling shiny diamond necklace in the school classroom. He yell out “Where is my diamond necklace!”

Everyone was yelling because the pirate was destroying the classroom then he look down and he saw it around his neck. Off he went and he hop onto his ship and ship all the way to never land!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Netball clip

This video is about how to play netball. For the people who doesn't know how to play. What I learnt from this video was that you are allow to hold on to the ball for 3 second and if you hold it more than 3 second the umpire will blow the whistle and it will be the other players ball. I chose this video because I play it for winter sport and out of school.
By: Mosiana

Finding the Range

Finding the Range
(the difference between the biggest and smallest values)

(the largest number)
(the smallest number)
Max - Min = 
Example:   5 , 17 , 94 , 94 , 20
94 - 5 = 89, 
Range = 89


This week we are doing test score graph because we do a test sheet and you mark it and you see what you get. Here is an example.

Friday, August 16, 2019


For literacy this week we are doing Reader's Theatre. Here is an example of my work.

Fast and Slow

 Readers Part: Turtle, Rabbit, Fox Umpire and Narrator

Narrator= Once upon a time there was a Turtle and a rabbit they were having their first race. The turtle is green,
small and slow
and the rabbit is big, white, big ears and jump really high. The rabbit thought this was a good joke.

Turtle= I don’t want to go slow, I want to be fast!

Rabbit= I’m a rabbit, I hop, jump and I dash! I’ll go speedy by the blink of an eye like a falcon that speeds through the air!

Narrator= The turtle was worried because he knows that he was gonna lose but he kept believing in himself that he will win.
The Rabbit laugh at him because he kept making fun of him how slow he was.

Rabbit= There's no way your gonna beat me! 

Turtle= You will never know!

Rabbit= *laugh laugh* I guess you have to see Turtle.

Narrator= The race begin! But the umpire took the Rabbit further away from the start line because the Rabbit hop high,
and dash fast and the Turtle is a bit slow so they make it fair for the turtle.

Rabbit= This is not fair!

Fox umpire= No it is because the turtle is slow and you hop really high!

Rabbit= mmm true but I will still win anyways!

Umpire= On your marks, get set, go!

Narrator= The race has started and the Rabbit raced way ahead!

Turtle= See I told you I will lose!

 Rabbit=♫ la la la la I´m gonna win♫ 

Narrator= In the race the rabbit was feeling tired and hot and he couldn’t see the turtle.
So he hopped to a tree he saw and he gonna take a short nap.

Turtle= What is Rabbit sleeping there for oh well it looks like I'm winning!

Narrator= The race is almost finished and the Turtle is winning?! All the way through he took step by step to the finish line.
He didn’t want to give up because he wasn’t tired or hot.

Turtle= I’m nearly there!

Fox umpire= *Whistle* The turtle won!

Rabbit= Huh? Oh no what am my doing here!

Narrator= The rabbit hop to the finish line and lost!

Rabbit= Oh damn it!

Narrator= That how Rabbit lost just because he was tired and hot.

Rabbit= Well congratulation Turtle.

Turtle= Thank you! Next time don’t fall asleep again!

Rabbit= Yep!

Narrator= The end!

Published by: Hello Kids
Written by: Daniel Kahneman

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Argument story

Introduction paragraph 
Background statement
Detailed background statement 
Thesis- Your idea, what we are trying to prove

Supporting Paragraph 1
Supporting Paragraph 2
Conclusion Paragraph

                                                         Shark vs Polar bear

Shark and Polar bear live in two different environments
and they wouldn’t  normally fight but if you put both animals into jello
who would win and win and why?

Polar bears live in icy areas, if they near the heat they would not survive.
Polar bears live in the Arctic, if it a male polar bear was that weighed about 450kg was fighting 
a shark which weighs about 2000kg in jello, Polar bear claws are long and sharp and they’re
about 3.5 inches.
Polar bear can hold its breath for a whole two mins polar bear need ice to survive because
they use the ice as a platform to reach their prey.
Polar bear can kill almost every animal with it paws and it teeth. Their height are
about 1.3m for a male and 1.8- 2.4m for a female.
The biggest known polar bear is 1,002kg. Polar bears had no predators because
they can almost eat every animals. 

Sharks can only breathe when they move around in the water.
Sharks can be found in 5 different oceans but sharks mostly go to the Atlantic Ocean because they
commit more attacks in the Atlantic Ocean
and they push warmer water close to the shore with bait fish.
A shark can smell a drop of blood from a mile away.
There are 440 different sharks in this world. Smaller shark like to swim in the heat or the cold and
other sharks like to stay in water around 15-300c.
The largest shark is a Whale shark and they were 18 meters and 60 feet!
Sharks weigh about 680-1,100kg!
Shark predator are killing other shark. 

Friday, August 9, 2019


In week one for science we are doing chemical reactions and the periodic table.
Week 2 we made an info graphic of what your making and you write what
chemical reation is happening here here’s an example.
It says”What Chemistry happening here:
The salt added to the ice lowers the melting point of the ice, just like it does
when we add ice to roads in winter (In snowy climates). In order for the ice to melt
.However, it has to absorb heat from its surroundings like the ice cream in a

Week 3 Me and Jaime already made our ice cream and now we get to make another object
and we are making slime this is our ingredients and instructions for making fluffy slime.